Questions and Answers
1How quickly can I receive a carer?
From 7 - 14 days, but occasionally even quicker.
2What level of German can I expect?
The carer can communication with their to be cared for person, based on their current ability (limited knowledge, good knowledge, advanced knowledge).
3How long will the carer stay for?
2 - 4 weeks (or longer with a change in carer), based on agreement
4How are the carers insured?
All carers are self-employed in a EU/EEA country and are obliged to make their social insurance contributions. They have appropriate health insurance coverage and an insurance card which is valid abroad. They are insured with the “SVA der gewerblichen Wirtschaft” in Austria.
5Is the entire provision of care without issue or hesitation?
Since the accession of Eastern European countries to the EU in conjunction with the new Freedom of Movement Act, Eastern European nationals may enter Austria without a visa. They may stay and work in Austria with a freedom of establishment and services. Under the now in force EU law, every citizen of the EU / EEA is entitled to temporarily exercise service activities themselves or through their employer in another Member State (freedom of services). Likewise, care providers from Member States are allowed to settle down in Austria under certain conditions (freedom of establishment).
6What can we do when the cared for person is not satisfied with the carer?
Should not the relationship between the caregiver and care receiver not fit, a substitute caregiver will be made available at the earliest possible date. However, you should also remember that it takes a little while for both parties to get used to one another. This usually takes a few days.
7How much free time does the care giver have?
The carer must receive 1 day (10 hours) or 2 times 5 hours free time per week, depending on the contract and arrangement with family members.
8What happens if the person under care is admitted to hospital during a period of care?
A 14 day cancellation period applies, as defined in the contract. Either party may cancel the contract with a period of at least 2 weeks’ notice for cancellation at the end of the calendar month.
It is at the discretion of the relatives of the cared for person whether the carer should be sent home (with reimbursement for travel costs) or whether the carer remains for 1-2 weeks. If the carer receives another person to care for in the meantime, it cannot be guaranteed that the same carer will be able to return.
9What happens if the carer becomes ill?
It is permissible that in such cases a substitute will be required to temporarily fulfil the contractual obligations of the carer as the aforementioned carer is unable to carry out these demands due to illness or other temporary hindrances to their working capabilities.
10Which activities can carers carry out, according to .§ 159-161 Gew0 1994?
Household chores, assistance in lifestyle activities, basic care, societal interaction. Medical activities may not be carried out except those explicitly instructed by a doctor. More information can be found at
11How does the carer reach their place of employment?
The relatives of the cared for person must collect and transport the carer from the nearest train station (depending on contract)
12What must the carer be provided free of charge?
A private room (adequately heated depending on time of year) with a TV, (internet when in the house), radio and free catering as per the contract. These devices may only be used during their free time.
13How long is the contract length?
The contract has a 14 day cancellation notice, signed for an indefinite period and ends, at latest, with the death of the cared for person.
14Is the carer available during Catholic holidays, such as Easter and Christmas?
If the care is to continue during the holidays on site, then an additional fee of €130 for the Easter holiday and €180 for the Christmas holiday will be added. The carer will specify these as additional costs in their invoice.